sáb 01 de dic
|Jax Outdoor Gear - Fort Collins
Local Author Day
Jax's 10th Annual Local Author Day is Saturday, December 1st at Jax Outdoor Gear in Fort Collins. Over 35 local book authors and illustrators will be in store from 11AM to 3PM. Jax Outdoor Gear 1200 N College Ave Fort Collins, CO 80524
Time & Location
01 dic 2018, 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Jax Outdoor Gear - Fort Collins, 1200 N College Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80524, USA
About The Event
Jax's 10th Annual Local Author Day is Saturday, December 1st at Jax Outdoor Gear in Fort Collins. Over 35 local book authors and illustrators will be in store from 11AM to 3PM to share their writing and artwork secrets along with their latest books. Stop by to meet these luminaries and purchase personally autographed books to give as special holiday gifts.
I'll have my book, Running for the Average Joe (Second Edition) available with two free bookmarks with special event pricing for Jax visitors only!